Marketing Junto

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Grow Your Brand with Podcasting: Tips, Strategies, and My Personal Experience

Growing your brand can feel like an uphill battle in this fast-paced digital world. There are so many ways to market your business, but one of the most effective and engaging methods is through
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How hot is your audience?

Prospects can be hot, warm or cold. Hot = they know your brand, your offer, and how that offer meets their needs. Warm= they know they have a need, and they know there are solutions. They don't
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Get that (crystal) clear message in your video

Justin Welsh once told me there are 3 things that happen when someone lands on your website: 1. They know it's for them and keep reading 2. They know it's NOT for them and click off your page 3
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Nurturing Strong Communities for Professional and Personal Wellbeing

I just got off a call with the founder of a business community I'm part of. It was very insightful to hear how the "sausage is made." I really enjoyed hearing about the future of the
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The Future Of Business Networking

I have a strong opinion about business networking. Buckle up buttercup! Here we go! I built my business, Goldstein Media, on going to networking events and participating in chambers of commerce.
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How to Make Marketing Videos (without a corporate-sized budget)

Editors Note: Ame Proietti is our newest contributor to Marketing Junto. A lot of small businesses and entrepreneurs like the idea of video marketing… But a fraction actually do it. And when they do,
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Google, Bing, and AI Will Change How SEO Is Done

Google had its developers conference, Google I/O, last week and they showed what the new Google is going to look like. For the average user it looks really neat, but for the marketer and the SEO it
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Social Media Analytics: Measuring Success and Refining Your Strategy

Social media has become one of the most powerful marketing tools in the digital marketing tool kit, providing businesses with the opportunity to reach millions of potential customers worldwide. In fact
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The Unorthodox Way to Build a Bigger Email List Today

If you haven't already noticed, everybody is obsessed about passive. • passive income • passive growth • passive learning It's become a part of our culture. People want to do the bare minimum.
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Command Your Audience's Attention: The Secret to Writing Irresistible Hooks

If you're one of those marketers who relies on templates to write your hooks... You're doing it all wrong. Hook templates are ultra-generic. You've seen them a thousand times. And they (
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The Importance of Building a Strong Online Presence for Startups

Startups are constantly in a race against time to secure funding, create a profitable business model, and attain success. In today's digital age, building and maintaining a strong online presence
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How To Maximize Your Content's Impact in a World of 8.25-Second Attention Spans

Social media is riddled with boring content. You see it all the time — and of course, you quickly scroll by. Now, it's one thing if other people do it. But, take a look at your own content for a
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Let’s Talk About Uncovering The Benefits Of Using Interactive Content

As content creators, engaging our audience is crucial. Without engagement, our message falls on deaf ears. Interactive content is an effective way to capture our audience's attention and keep them
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Web Jawn Bonus Finds For April 25, 2023

It's Tuesday. That means it's time for the Web Jawn Bonus Finds! This is for paying members of Marketing Junto. If you got forwarded this and want this in your inbox every Tuesday, consider
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My Top 3 Content Marketing Mistakes — How To Avoid Them

I've been posting content for a little over 3 years. And I've failed a lot: * couldn't get followers * couldn't build relationships * couldn't make any sales Here are the top 5
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Protecting Personal Data: Strategies to Build Customer Trust

Note From Seth: Starting next week this email will be partially gated. You will get the essay at the top, but everything below will be for paying subscribers. If you want to support Marketing Junto,
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Be Careful Of Copyright

In a recent post over at Future Social by Jack Appleby, he brings up a valid point, using a meme in your marketing where you didn't purchase the rights to the image is copyright infringement.
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The Dissonant Dance Method: Write Better Content With This Unique Copywriting Technique

I'm sure we could all agree: sharing your unique perspective is key to building an audience online (and creating a more profitable business). Marketing Junto Marketing Junto The Dissonant Dance
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Twitter's Recommendation Algorithm Goes Public — An Overview of My Thoughts & What It Means for You

Editors Note: Joshua will be writing a column for us and will now be on Thursdays. This will, at some point, be for paying members. But for now enjoy Joshua's wisdom! The Twitter source code has
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The Rise of Podcasting: A Medium That's Here to Stay

My Take Podcasting has become an increasingly popular medium in recent years. In fact, more people are listening to podcasts than ever before in the history of the medium. In addition, the listenership